
Special Notices.

STUDENTS' BOARD.- A club table, also a general table, at BREWER'S, Brattle Square, Cambridge.

TABLE BOARD.- 13 Bow St. To those desiring superior table board Mrs. Metcalf offers a few seats at a general table and accommodations for two clubs of 4 to 8 persons. Terms $8 per week.

PRICE OF ROOMS REDUCED.- A very desirable suite of sunny rooms up one flight, may be obtained at a reduced price, at 12 Kirkland Place. The student leaves on account of ill health. 7, 6t

TO LET.- At 78 Mt. Auburn Street a very nice student suite of rooms; also one large room opening on piazza, with bed-room up one flight. House has been put in thorough order; new plumbing. Will let the rooms at a very low price. Apply to

W. R. ELLIS, 426 Harvard St.9 3t


Symphony Concert ticket for sale. First balcony, second row, directly over the clock. Saturday evening, Boston. $17. Apply to

F. W. HALLOWELL, 9 Hastings.11,2t
