
Fact and Rumor.

A. E. Beckmith, '91, will not return to college until next year.

The Harvard Co-operative Society this year has nearly 840 members.

F. J. V. Dakin, '92, has been appointed assistant in the fine arts department.

The Princeton faculty has approved the undergraduate plan for reviving the "Tiger."

The Yale freshman foot-ball team played a picked college last Saturday and were beaten 30 to 8.


Rain prevented playing in the Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament at New Haven yesterday.

Charles K. Bolton, '90, has just returned from England and is spending a few weeks in Cambridge.

The permanent conference hours in Eng. 6 for selection of question and discussion of briefs are as follows: From 2 to 3 p. m. on Thursdays at 11 Everett St., and from 10.30 to 11.30 a. m. on Fridays in closed alcove 25 of the Library.

F. Bates, '90, pitched on the Wentworth Hall Club at Jackson, N. H., this last summer. Poole, of Yale, caught him.

S. E. Farwell, '93, leader of the last year's freshman glee club, has been dangerously ill. He will return to college this week.

The '92 and '93 crews were out on the river yesterday afternoon. Porter was coaching '92, Earl and Hathway were coaching '93.

Tallant, Chase, and Hovey are Harvard's representatives in the inter-collegiate tennis tournament now being played in New Haven.

All men who have been excluded from History 1 will be admitted now they will apply, as better accommodations for the course have been provided.

A game with the Andover Academy team had been arranged for the 'varsity this afternoon. It will not be played, however, owing to a regulation of the Andover faculty, forbidding the academy team to play any team out of town except school and academy teams.

The Boston Symphony orchestra, under direction of Arthur Kikisch, will give a series of eight concerts in Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, on Thursday evenings, Oct. 16, Nov. 6, Dec. 4, Jan. 8, Jan. 29, Feb. 19 and April 16. Season tickets go on sale at the University book store, Cambridge, next Saturday morning at 8 o'clock.
