
The October Century.

The October number of the Century contains the conclusion of the Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson, which for several months has been a feature of the magazine. The frontispiece, a portrait of the veteran actor, goes with the article. Edward Eggleston turns from tales of Hoosier schoolmasters and of Yankee life to describe "Out of the Ways in High Savoy."

Woman receives a fair share of attention. Amelia Gere Mason's "Women of the French Salons" discusses those of the eighteenth century, and Helen Gray Cone discusses "Woman in American Literature."

John Lafarge's "Letters from Japan" are an example of what a picturesque combination of pen and pencil work may be done by one writer.

The nearest approach to one of the famous war articles is the account of an escape from Dixie.

The scientific articles include one by G. H. Darwin on Meteorites and one by F. T. Bickford on "Prehistoric Cave Dwellings." Henry Cabot Lodge's discussion of patronage in office should be rather called political.


The short stories in the number are by women. Sarah Orne Jewtt contributes one of her tales of New England life and Virginia Frazer Boyle tells "How Jerry Bought Malviny."
