

UNION CLUB.- The semi-annual meeting of the directors of the club will take place to-morrow, Tuesday, Oct. 7, at 7.30 p. m., in the club rooms. It is important that every director should attend, as the meeting will be a very important one.

R. H. DAVIS, President.FOUND.- On Jarvis field Saturday, after the game, a silk umbrella. Inquire at Leavitt and Pierce's.

LOST.- Small moonstone pin. Finder will be cheerfully rewarded by returning to Leavitt and Peirce's.

LOST.- On Thursday, Oct. 2, a gold link cuff-button, marked H. Finder will please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's and receive reward.

LOST.- A fountain pen. The finder will please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's.


FOXCROFT CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the directors this evening at 7.30, at the club house.

LOST.- Large white-handled pocket knife. To be left, with address of finder, at auditor's office, Memorial Hall.

FOUND.- In the college library, 50 note books, which will be destroyed if not called for in a week.

There will be an important meeting of the Boylston Chemical Club tonight at the laboratory.

LOST.- On Sunday afternoon, between Beck Hall and Harvard Square, a silver pencil. Finder will be rewarded by returning the same to Leabitt and Peirce's.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- A trial will be held tonight at 7.30 in Roberts Hall for those men who could not attend last week's trials. Regular rehearsal at 8 o'clock tonight. All members must attend.

C. J. F. BRUEGGER, Secretary.
