
Freshman Class Meeting.

The freshman class held its class meeting in Upper Massachusetts last evening. M. Williams, Jr., '91, took the chair and G. Lowell, '92 was appointed secretary of the meeting. T. N. Perkins, '91, captain of the 'varsity crew, then spoke to the meeting on crew matters. He advised the class to join the Weld Boat Club as only a limited number of men could row on the crew. Mr. Perkins went on to say that as a good of trouble had arisen last year from the fact that the class bad elected its own canteen of the crew, he decided that it was better for him to appoint a temporary captain until the class should be in a position to choose its own captain. He therefore appointed F. C. Bishop.

Mr. Williams then said that temporary captains of the football and baseball teams would be appointed in the same way by Captain Cumnock and Captain Dean.

The meeting then proceeded to nominations. The nominations for president were: G. C. Lee, Jr., B. G. Waters and L. A. Ahlers; for vice-president, R. B. Beals and K. Smith; for secretary and treasurer (both offices, it was voted, to be held by the same person), H. Morgan and G. C. Kellogg.

The voting was by ballot, each man giving his ballot to the tellers as he left the room. The result of the voting was as follows:

For president, Lee 124, Waters, 91, Ahlers, 8. For vice-president, Beals 133, Smith 87. For secretary and treasurer, Kellog 130, Morgan 91.

