Dr. Sargent has begun his examinations.
The sections in French 1a will be posted today.
The Princeton eleven will go to training table October 15.
'92 has won the class championship in football at Princeton.
There are fifty-two candidates for the Princeton football team.
Five of last year's Yale 'varsity football team will not return to college.
Harvey, one of the Cornell halfbacks broke his leg in a practice game Saturday.
Bull, '92, last year an editor of the Advocate, is on the staff of the New York World.
"The Perils of Historical Narrative" is the title of a valuable article by Justin Winsor in the September Atlantic.
Ferris, the centre rush of last year's Yale team, is seriously ill and will probably not play football this fall.
Over $100 was collected last night among the '93 men in Hastings toward canceling the debt of the crew.
The students in French 2 are finding considerable difficulty in obtaining some of the books for the course. Some of the unfortunate ones may be obliged to wait until books can be imported for them.
All men in Fine Arts 3 who receive a grade below C in the October hour examination will be excluded from the course.
Kendricken, '93, last year's 'Varsity substitute quarter-back has been disabled from further playing by an injury of the knee.
Stagg, '88, is at present in charge of the athletic department at Williston and coaches the football team four times a week.
Miss Elinor Buckingham, a senior in the Harvard Annex, has been appointed an instructor in the Royal Normal College for the Blind at London.
Tallant will play Shaw this morning at 11.15 to decide which shall represent the college at New Haven. If Shaw wins, Tallant will play Chase at 3 p. m.
Students wishing to take Classical Philology 24 (on the Legal and Political Antiquities of Athens) may meet Professor Goodwin at 11 a. m. today in Sever 27.
Capt. Rhodes of the Yale eleven and Capt. Poe of the Princeton, have been in New York together, looking over the grounds at Brotherhood Park. The manager of the grounds has promised to sod them well, and it is probable that the Yale-Princeton game will be played there.
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