
Special Notices.

STUDENTS' BOARD.- A club table, also a general table, at BREWER'S, Brattle Square, Cambridge.

TABLE BOARD.- 13 Bow St. To those desiring superior table board Mrs. Metcalf offers a few seats at a general table and accommodations for two clubs of 4 to 8 persons. Terms $8 per week.

DANCING AND DEPORTMENTS.Eighth season. Mrs. L. J. Chandler will reopen her classes at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 7, and would be pleased with your patronage. Children's class, Tuesday, Oct, 7, at 5 o'clock. Young people's class, Tuesday, Oct. 7, at 8 o'clock. Germans, Friday evenings, commencing Oct. 17. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, Insurance Building, cor Main and Inman Sts.

TUTORING in German A, B, C, and German Electives by Richard Hochdorfer, Ph. D., former Instructor in German in Harvard College 40F Harvard Street. House: 19 Ware Street. 28-4t.

LATIN, German, History. E. F. Henderson, M. A. (Harvard) and Ph. D. (Berlin), will tutor advanced students in the above branches at 30 West Cedar St., Boston. 30-5t


'90 MEN and others can secure copies of last year's "Harvard Portfolio" at subscription prices at 14 Stoughton or at Thurston's. 31-6t

RADFORD, JONES and CO., Tailors, 32 George St., Hanover Square, London, W. Mr. Wallace Jones will be at Young's Hotel, Boston, until Saturday, November 1st. Appointments at Cambridge by letter. 31-3tc

TREMONT THEATRE.- Chas. H. Hoyt's "A Texas Steer," at the Tremont, thus far has had a decidedly successful run. The play is full of brightness, is artistically acted and as it can be given only one week more, the houses are sure to be crowded ones. "A Texas Steer" is to be followed on Monday, Nov. 10, by Rosina Vokes, supported by Felix Morris and her London company.
