LOST.- A Geology 4a note book on the part of Norton's field running east and west. Will the finder please return to Foster's.
R. BISBEE.The Tennis Association will meet in Holden Chapel at seven o'clock this evening to elect officers for the ensuing year.
HUGH TALLANT, Sec'y H. L. T. A.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal this evening in Roberts Hall at 7 sharp.
H. F. KENT, Secretary.LOST.- A new Collins and Fairbanks stiff hat, taken from Memorial at dinner, October 30th. Owner's name written on the leather band. Please return to waiter or 7 Thayer.
F. D. PEASE.HARVARD ROWING CLUB.- Secretary's office hours, Tuesday and Friday, 9.30 to 10.30 a. m., 21 Hilton.
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Faculty Will Consider Second Draft Proposal