Club tables and a general table can be accommodated at J. S. Crauston's, 126 Mt. Auburn Street. 5, 4t
Miss M. L. Olsson, at 3 HARVARD ROW has a large and fine stock of UPRIGHT PIANOS which she can rent to STUDENTS at LOWER PRICES than can be procured in Boston. No charge for carting and tuning.
A good stock of Sheet Music, Musical Instruments, Strings, etc., constantly on hand. od nov 1
PRICE OF ROOMS REDUCED.- A very desirable suite of sunny rooms up one flight, may be obtained at a reduced price, at 12 Kirkland Place. The student leaves on account of ill health. 7, 6t
ROOM-MATE WANTED.- In suite of three pleasant rooms, in private family. Rent, $2.50 a week. For particulars Inquire at 5 Shepard St. 7, 9.
TO LET.- A suite of two rooms and bathroom at 408 Harvard St.
One or two very desirable front rooms, handsomely furnished for students, with furnace heat and gas, to be let at 16 Mellen St., off Oxford St., on North Avenue. 8, 2t
CLUB TABLES.- 13 Row St., Mrs, E. L. Metcalf offers accommodations for clubs of 4 to 8 members.
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