The sophomore class held its annual meeting last evening in Upper Massachusetts. President Trafford was in the chair. The first business transacted was the election of president. On motion of C. W. Barlow, B. W. Trafford was re-elected by acclamation. J. D. Upton was then re-elected vice president. C. Schurz and W. C. Donglass were also re-elected secretary and treasurer respectively.
The report of the managers of the crew and nine were next heard. Manager Cullinan of the crew announced that he had unpaid bills to the amount of $584, and earnestly requested the class to come to his assistance. He said that with one exception the '93 crew had been the most economically managed one that has ever left Harvard. The reason that he gave for the deficit was that many members of the class had left their subscriptions unpaid and that he had had considerable trouble with boats and oars.
Manager Stone's account for the nine showed a surplus of $64, $50 of which belonged to the class. After some discussion this was transferred towards defraying the crew debt.
F. W. Hallowell then nominated J. Wiggin as captain of the nine, and G. E. Burgess was nominated for captain of the crew. Both were elected.
A committee of four was chosen to take suitable action on the death of P. D. Stone. The committee passed the following resolutions:
"We, the Class of 1893 at Harvard College, having learned with sorrow of the death of one of our class-mates, are
Resolved, That in the death of Philip Deland Stone we have lost one of our most promising members, whose manly nature, generous, true-hearted impulse and brave simplicity won all hearts; we recognize that in his death we have suffered an irreparable loss, and are
Resolved, That, as an expression of our sympathy, these resolutions be sent to his family.
Dated at Cambridge, October 2, 1890.
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