'94.- There will be a meeting of the freshman class in Lower Massachusetts, Friday evening, October 3, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of electing class officers.
The annual meeting of the Harvard Rowing Club will be held in Sever 11, on Friday, Oct. 3, at 7.30 p. m. This is the first regular annual meeting, and a large attendance will show Mr. Weld that his gift is appreciated. All wishing to join may do so today from 8.30 to 9.00 a. m.
ROBERT BEVERLY HALE, Sec' y, 28 College House.ENGLISH A, SEVER 11.- Notice of the assignment of seats 1-308 has been posted on the bulletin board in Sever Hall. No other seats will be assigned before next week.
Professor Emerton's classes will meet as follows: General Church History (Hist. 24) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 11, in Divinity Library; History of Christian Doctrines, Wednesday and Friday at 9, in Divinity Library; Seminary (Subject: Church and State in Middle Ages.) Monday and Wednesday at 3, Gore Hall, first half year.
HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Trial of candidates Friday, Oct. 3, at 7.30 p. m. in 14 Holworthy. All banjo and guitar players are urged to compete. Bring instruments. Business meeting of old members at 7.15 sharp.
'VARSITY NOTICE.- All members of the 'varsity squad will be dressed for practicing on Jarvis at 4 sharp. Every man must join the tackling squad either at 12 or 3 p. m.
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Tennis Tournament.