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Notwithstanding the creed which Bishop Keane so ably represents, his appearance at Cambridge did not arouse much discussion. Students criticised his talk, but the unusual sight of a Roman Catholic in Appleton Chaple excited no comment. This fact seems to us worthy of attention, for it is evidence of the breadth of thought which now exists at Harvard, but which is likely to be misconstrued by outsiders. Harvard is essentially liberal in all its ideas. It is our most earnest wish to look at questions from all points of view, and in matters of religion as well as other subjects, we are consistent. This desire to cultivate a liberal spirit, to show that we respect the honest opinions of all men, leads us to ask if it would not be best to add to the list of our University preachers a representative of the Roman Catholic creed. In suggesting this we wish to make prominent that it is not because of his peculiar belief that we propose this addition, but because, if such a man comes here as our regular preachers do come, in the desire to help, and not to advocate certain doctrines, the fact will have great atrength in our effort to induce freedom of thought.
