
Special Notices.

PHILOSOPHY 1.- Seminar, Tuesday 7 p. m. at 18 Stoughton.

FRANK B. BRANDT, '92.STUDENTS' BOARD.- A club table, also a general table, at BREWER'S, Brattle Square, Cambridge.

TABLE BOARD.- 13 Bow St. To those desiring superior table board Mrs. Metcalf offers a few seats at a general table and accommodations for two clubs of 4 to 8 persons. Terms $8 per week.

DANCING AND DEPORTMENT.Eighth season. Mrs. L. J. Chandler will reopen her classes at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 7, and would be pleased with your patronage. Children's class, Tuesday, Oct, 7, at 5 o'clock. Young people's class, Tuesday, Oct. 7, at 8 o'clock. Germans, Friday evenings, commencing Oct. 17. Private lessons by appoitement. Residence, Insurance Building, cor Main and Inman Sts.

HISTORY 13, History 2, Political Economy. Tutoring.


J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.27-2t

J. F. Ollson, 3 Harvard Row, has a large assortment of Etchings. Reproductions, Water Colors, Photographs, etc., on hand. All sizes and prices. Pictures Framed. All work done on premises. od nov. 1

Miss M. L. Olsson, at 3 HARVARD ROW has a large and fine stock of UPRIGHT PIANOS which she can rent to STUDENTS at LOWER PRICES than can be procured in Boston. No charge for carting and tuning.

A good stock of Sheet Music, Musical Instruments, Strings, etc., constantly on hand. od nov 1

ATTENTION.- If you want clothes cleaned, repaired, pressed or dyed, call at the greatest cleansing and repairing establishment in Cambridge. None but experienced workmen employed. Satisfaction guaranteed.

WILLIAM H. BROWN, TUTORING in Philosophy 1.E. O. PARKER, 9 Stoughton.TUTORING in German A, B, C, and German Electives by Richard Hochdorfer, Ph. D., former Instructor in German in Harvard College, 404 Harvard Street. House: 19 Ware Street.


POLITICAL ECONOMY 4. Review this evening at 7.30 o'clock in Manter 2. Bring topics and references.

W. W. NOLEN.DR. FRED H. GAGE '92. will give a Seminar in Logic, Phil. 1 at 34 College House, Tuesday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. Terms $2.00.

PAUL HERFURTH, Teacher of zither, guitar, mandolin and flute, also instrument repairing. Apply at Olsson's Music Store, Harvard Square. 13od6t
