
Fact and Rumor.

There will probably be an hour examination in Philosophy 1 tomorrow.

The first number of the Lampoon was out yesterday.

K. Mackenzie '91, is the musical critic of the Cambridge Tribune.

Professor Sumner's book on Alexander Hamilton is in press.

G. Wells, '94, has been appointed treasurer of the Cricket Club.


J. W. Richards '93, has resigned as director of the Harvard Dining Association.

There will be an hour examination in History 11, covering the "Thirty Years' War."

Professor James Bryce, of England, has been in Cambridge the past week as the guest of President Eliot.

The Conference Francaise has moved into the new Union club rooms on Harvard Street.

There will be an hour examination in Greek 6 a week from tomorrow on the 'Aeschines against Ctesiphon."

There is some prospect of a joint debate between the Yale Union and the Kent Club of the Law School.

Wesleyan and Brown are considering the question of playing a game at Springfield on the day before the Yale Harvard game.

Jackson, Bowdoin's centre rush, is the man who won the prize offered by Dr. Sargent for the best developed college man.

Mr. Richard Moulton, professor of Literature in the University of Cambridge, England, will soon give a series of lectures in Chickering Hall.

The increased attendance at Andover has necessitated the addtion of another member to the Faculty. C. E. Stone of the Scheffield Scientific School has been elected to the position.

F. B. McKean, formerly of '90, who left college last year on account of serious illness, has returned and will graduate with '91. He was a substitute on the University nine in '89, and will be a candidate for the team next spring if his health permits.
