

The juniors defeated St. Mark,s at Southboro Saturday in a hard fought game of two thirty minute halves. The field was very muddy, making the ball very hard to hold, which excused in some degree the fumbling of both teams. '92 played a rushing game from the start and did not kick the ball once during the entire game. The St. Mark's team was very light, but played a steady uphill game, allowing '92 to score but twice in the second half.

White, Forbes and Spalding did the best work for '92, Dyer and Kidder for Mark's.

'92 started the ball at 4 o'clock and in a minute and a half White scored a touch down. No goal. St. Mark's soon lost the ball and Schoen scored. Forbes kicked a goal. White again crossed the line. Goal. St. Mark's now kicked and '92 fumbled. Dyer took advantage of the chance and scored St. Mark's only points. Goal. Schoen crossed the line again and Forbes kicked a goal. Score, '92, 22; St. Marks 6.

In the second half White scored but Forbes missed the goal. St. Mark's soon lost the ball. Schoen rushed 40 yards and White again scored. Goal.

Score, '92, 32; St. Mark's 6, The teams lined up as follows: Harvard-rushers, Spalding, Weed, S. Berry, H. Berry, Hale, Draper, Putnam; quarter, Neff; half-backs, Schoen, White; full-back, Forbes,


St. Mark's-rushers, Batcheller. Worden, Walsh, Caswell, Kidder, Davis, Fairbanks; quarter, Barber; half-backs, Dyer, Kidder; full-back, Crossmen.
