
Appleton Chapel.

Rev. Phillips Brooks preached last evening in Appleton Chapel on the passage in Saint John 38, 11, where Jesus stands before the tomb of Lazarus in sorrow at the grief of Mary and Martha and the friends of their dead brother. In all the history of Jesus' life we find that he was by nature of a joyous disposition which made his moments of deep sorrow, like the one in the text, all the more intense. The mingling of joy and pain in his life is what all men should expect to find in their own lives and those of their fellows. The gloomy pessimist and the careless, selfish man who turns his back on suffering are the evil extremes. We should be happy, as it is what Christ wishes us to be, but never shirk an unpleasant task or be callous to the cries of suffering. As a man hopes for happiness in a future life let him hold to the golden mean between such extremes as these.

The choir then sang Spirit of Mercy, Barnby; The Sun Shall be No More, Woodward; and Thy Sustaining Grace, Martin.
