
Major Higginson's Address.

A neat pamphlet has appeared containing the proceedings of the meeting held in Sever 11, June 10, 1890, at which Mr. Henry L. Higginson addressed the students on "The Soldier's Field." President Eliot's remarks and Major Higginson's letter of gift and his speech are given in full. The pamphlet should be read by all who were unable to hear Major Higginson at the time speak of the sons of Harvard to whom the field is dedicated. Moreover every Harvard man should bear in mind the closing words of the address: "You come to college to learn things of great value besides your games, which, after all, are secondary to your studies. But, in your games there is just one thing which you cannot do, even to win success. You cannot do one tricky or shabby thing. Translate tricky and shabby-dishonest, ungentlemanlike. Princeton is not wicked; Yale is not base. Mates, the Princeton and the Yale fellows are our brothers. Let us beat them fairly of we can, and believe that they will play the game just as we do."
