
The Dudleian Lecture.

This evening Bishop Keane of the Catholic University at Washington, D. C., will lecture in Appleton Chapel upon one of the subjects prescribed for the Dudleian Lectures. These leetures were founded in 1755 by Paul Dudley, who gave a fund for an annual lecture upon each of four subjects in succession. The lectures were stopped in 1857 because the fund had diminished, but were revived two years ago, with a discourse upon "The Validity of the Ordination of Ministers." Last year the subject was "The proving explaining, and proper use and improvement of the principles of natural religion, as it is commonly called and understood by Divines and learned men." The lecture tonight will be delivered by a Roman Catholic, for the first time since the founding of the series. Next year the lecture will be a discussion of the fallacies of the Roman Catholic faith.
