(Continued from first page.)
brought the ball back, the former making a touch-down. Again no goal. Score 18-0
After a few rushes on both sides, Broughton carried the ball over the line, scoring the last touch-down. Duffield failed, however, to kick a goal. Final score, 22-0.
Whittemore and Stevens played well, as did also the Harvard backs.
Referee-F. S. Sias, C. M. T. S.; umpire. Kendricken, '93.
The teams were as follows: '93-rushers-Dibblee, Cary, Hand, Winslow, Stevenson, Ellsworth, Callamore; quarter-back-Malone; half-backs-Parker, Broughton; full-back-Duffield. C. M.- rushers-Fiske, Quinn, Pullen, Wiseman, Allen, Richards, Sullivan; quarter-back-Gibson; half-backs-Whittemore, Stevens; full-back Moore.
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