
Today's Football Games.

The eleven will play the second game with Dartmouth this afternoon at 3.30 sharp on Jarvis field. Harvard will play the following team: Rushers, Fearing, Upton, Heard, Bangs, Cranston, Newell '94, Hallowell; quarterback, Dean; half-backs, Lake or Lee, and Sherwin or Corbett; full-back, Trafford.

The freshman eleven will play the Phillips Exeter Academy team at Exeter this afternoon. The men will play as follows: Rushers, Ladd, Beals, Fay, Mackie, Saltonstall, McDaniel and Frothingham; quarter-back, Gardner or Quigley; half-backs, Waters and Gage; full-back, Garrison or Hoag.

Reserved seats for the Wesleyan game are now on sale at Leavitt and Pierce's, admission fifty cents, reserved seats twenty-five cents extra. The usual section will be asserted for season ticket holders.

The management, through the athletic committee, has obtained permission to call all Wednesday games at 3.30 instead of four o'clock The fame with the Orange Club on Tuesday, November 5, will be called at three o'clock.
