
B. A. A. Meeting.

An open handicap meeting will be given by the Boston Athlectic Association on Irvington Oval, on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 4 p. m. The following events will be open to all amateurs: 100 yards dash, 600 yards run, 1 mile walk.

All entries must be made on the B. A. A. entry blank which can be had by applying to H. S. Cornish, Exeter St.

Three prizes will be given in each event and entrance to the grounds will be by invitation only. Entries close with H. S. Cornish care of B. A. A. at 8 p. m. Wednesday, October 22, and must be accompanied by fee. (25 cents for each event). Positively no entry will be received after 8 p. m.

The following members of the H. A. A. have already entered: For the 100 yards dash-Hoadley, F. Baker, J. Hale, J. S. Cook, Hochstader, W. F. Thompson, G. Bennett, G. F. Brown; 600 yards-J. Corbin, G. Lowell, Hochstader, F. E. Stetson, G. L. Batchelder, S. Wells, Jr., C. H. Bean, Gratwick, Maynard, Hollis, Williams; mile walk-R. S. Hale, C. R. Bardeen, A. L. Endicott, Bell.
