
Attendance at Yale.

The preliminary catalogue of Yale which has just appeared shows the number of students in the several classes in the academic and scientific departments at present. with a comparison of the two preceding years:

ACADEMIC.'88. '89. '90.

Seniors. 126 145 187

Juniors. 151 194 187


Sophomores. 205 188 199

Freshmen. 206 212 258

688 739 831

Gains. 51 92

SCIENTIFIC.'88. '89. '90.

Seniors. 76 69 91

Juniors. 80 110 118

Freshmen. 121 130 136

Graduates. 21 19 25

Specials. 7 7 7

305 335 377

Gains. 30 42

Thus there is a gain of 92 in the Academic department and a gain of 42 in Sheff. This shows an attendance of 1,208 in these two departments, against 1,074 for 1889 and 993 in 1888-again of 134 in one year and 215 in two years.
