

ENGLISH 14.- For Wednesday. October 22, students will please read any three of the following Moralities and Interludes; Everyman, Hycke-Schomer, God's Promises, The Three P's, Lusty Juventus, and Jack Juggler.

Candidates for coxswain of the university or freshman crew will meet in 11 Thayer, Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7.30.

THOMAS N. PERKINS.'93 ELEVEN.- Duffield, Stearns and Meadows will be on Divinity field at 3.15; Robb, Hand, Rogers, Cary, Callamore, Stevenson, Hall, Winslow, Dinsmore, Pease, Broughton, Sturgis, Malone, Pike, Parker, Dibblee, Thatcher, at 3.30.

S. W. ELLSWORTH.'92 ELEVEN.- Practice at 4.15 sharp today. Today. Let every man be out.

W. C. FORBES.'93 CREW.- The following men will be at the boat house ready to row at 3.15 sharp: Kelton, Slade, Cummings, Post, Brewer, Biblee, Baldwin, Batterle.


C. W. KEYES.There will be a meeting of the officers and directors of the Shooting Club at 1.30, at 26 Holyoke House.

G. N. LAMB.'92 CREW.- The following men will be at the boat house at 3.15 sharp: Cheney, Young, Kidder, Stearns, Watriss, Jones, Powers, I. Amory.

J. O. PORTER.SENIOR CREW.- Be at the boat house at 3.15 sharp.

S. D. PARKER, Captain.
