HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Trial of candidates Friday, Oct. 3, at 7.30 p. m. in 14 Holworthy. All banjo and guitar players are urged to compete. Bring instruments.
'VARSITY NOTICE.- All the members of the 'varsity squad, including those who practiced with the class teams yesterday will be dressed for play on Jarvis at 4 sharp today.
ARTHUR J. CUMNOCK.'94.- There will be a meeting of the freshman class in Lower Massachusetts, Friday evening, October 3, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of electing class officers.
J. D. HUBBELL.The annual meeting of the Harvard Rowing Club will be held in Sever 11, on Friday, Oct. 3, at 7.30 p. m. Last year's memberships expire ten days after the meeting. All desiring to join the club may do so on Friday morning from 8.30 till 10 a. m.
ROBERT BEVERLY HALE, Sec'y, 28 College House.There will be a meeting of the executive committee of the Harvard Camera Club at 54 Hastings, Thursday, Oct. 2, at 8 o'clock. All members of the executive committee will please be present if possible. Any men who wish to join the club can send their names to the secretary who will propose them for membership at the next meeting.
C. H. FISKE, Jr., Secretary.Manager Smith will be at the gymnasium office at 2 o'clock today to make appointments for the men to be examined by Dr. Sargent. Every man must be examined and must make appointment at once.
ARTHUR J. CUMNOCK.ENGLISH C.- Members of the course will find copies of the specimen brief pamphlet in Sever 35, at 12 o'clock and at 2 o'clock today.
H. U. C. A.- The annual meeting for the election of officers of the Harvard University Cycling Association will be held in the trophy room of the gymnasium, on Thursday, the 9th, at 7.30 p. m. All members of the association and all those who wish to join, please attend.
W. B. GREENLEAF, President.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Trial for yodler will be held at Roberts Hall, Thursday evening, Oct. 2.
FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates for the freshman crew, whether playing football or not, will meet in the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium Thursday, Oct. 2 at 7.30 p. m. 6, 2t
HARVARD UNION.- The executive committee has decided to postpone the first regular meeting to Thursday, October 9.
JOHN L. DODGE, President.
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Freshman Football Notice.