'93 CREW.- The following men will be at the boat house ready to row at 4 o'clock sharp: Kelton, Cummings, Slade, Post, Brewer, Bisbee, Baldwin, Bartlett, Batelle.
G. E. BURGESS.FOUND.- In Sanders Theatre a handkerchief marked E. G. Smith. Apply at CRIMSON office.
TENNIS TOURNAMENT.- The preliminary round of the tournament, which was postponed on account of yesterday's rain, will be begun at ten this morning. Players may, if they wish, arrange to play their matches in the first round at any convenient time during the day. Entries in the doubles will remain open until 8 p. m. Monday. Scores should be left with the man in charge of the courts.
HUGH TALLANT, Sec'y H. L. T. A.Office hours for October 18th will be 9 to 10, 11 to 12.
G. R. FEARING, Secretary H. A. A., 3 Manter Hall.
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