
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a cut in Greek 1 today.

J. H. Goddard '92, has left college.

Kelton coached the '93 crew yesterday.

Mathematics 5, 8, and 10 now recite in Sever 20.

The Princeton senior assembly will occur December 5.


The fall games of the Princeton Athletic Association take place today.

The fall class races have been postponed from this afternoon to next Tuesday.

German 2 will commence Lessing's "Ausgewahlte Prosa und Briefe" Monday.

The production of old comedies which was to commence next week at the Museum, has been indefinitely postponed.

At the meeting of the Electric Club Thursday night the following men were elected active members: W. F. Lewis, J. M. Weissman, J. R. Jacoby, G. B. Pierce, H. G. Vaughan, J. C. B. Burbank. Two amendments to the constitution were brought before the club. They are to be voted on at the next meeting.
