
Foot Ball.

NINETY-TWO, 0; B. A. A. 2.

The juniors played two fifteen minute halves with the Boston Athletic Association on the latter's grounds on the corner of Boylston St. and West Chester Park. Though the game was to be called at 4.30, it was almost five o'clock before the Athletic Club men appeared. The half-backs fumbled badly, which was partly excusable as the last half was played in the dark. Both sides were slow in getting the ball in play, but played a strong rushing game. Forbes and Newell did the best work for '92, and Crane and Peters for B. A. A.

Time was called at 4.50 by the referee, Mr. Germer, M. I. T. '91, and the teams lined up as follows: B. A. A.- rushers, Beals, Clark, Kip, Churchill, Whitman, Codman, Atkinson; quarter-back-Kimball; half-backs-Waters, Bowen; full-back-Crane. '92-rushers-Curtis, Weed, S. Berry, L. F. Berry, Steedman, Newell, Putnam; quarer-back-Neff; half-backs-Henry, Greenough; full-back-Forbes,

Ninety-two had the ball and made ten yards, but lost to B. A. A. on a fumble. Waters and Bowen made twenty yards through the centre, but Newell's fine tackle lost ten yards of it. Crane kicked to within five yards of '92's line. Stickney took Clark's place at right tackle. '92 kicked and Curtis stopped Crane's return, securing the ball. Forbes found a hold in the centre, but '92 then lost the ball on four downs. Forbes took Crane's kick and advanced the ball thirty yards through the whole rush line, but B. A. A. got the ball on Greenough's fumble. Crane kicked and Atkinson stopped Forbes' return. Greenough took the ball ten yards. Time was called with the ball in the centre of the field, neither side having scored.

In the second half Draper took Newell's place, Bowen played left end and Peters took Bowen's place at half.

B. A. A. made five yards by a good rush, but the umpire gave '92 the ball on a foul. Weed and Greenough each gained five yards. Henry made two beautiful rushes, gaining about twelve yards. A foul gave B. A. A. the ball, and Waters made ten yards. '92 again got the ball on four downs. Greenough made a good gain, but fumbled. Waters gained five yards, Peters rushed fifty yards and put the ball within a yard of '92's line, but '92 got the ball on a foul. Greenough fumbled and made a safety. Henry made a fine rush from the twenty-five yard line, but lost the ball just as time was called. Score, B. A. A. A., 2; Harvard, 0.

