
Fact and Rumor.

Williams has three foot ball teams in constant practice.

The entries of the tennis tournament will close tonight.

An hour examination will soon be held in History 11.

Crosby, '91, and Goldthwaite, '91, are coaching the freshman team.

H. C. Smith '93 has been appointed manager of the second eleven.


The second eleven will play Technology Saturday, on Norton's field.

German 5 will commence Strasburg's "Tristan und Isolde" next Friday.

The cost of the new gymnasium at Brown University will be $51,000.

Word, '94 has been elected temporary captain of the Yale freshman eleven.

P. Gardner has been appointed temporary captain of the freshman eleven.

The Yale University Base Ball Association cleared over $3,000 last season.

T. J. Stead, '91, ran a hundred yards in 10 3-5 seconds day before yesterday.

Harvard will play Williams October 22 and Yale will play Williams October 25.

President Gates, the new president of Amherst, will assume his duties November 1.

The freshman team will play Exeter October 22 at Exeter, and Andover Oct. 18 at Andover.

The next sophomore theme will be due October 28 and not October 21, as previously announced.

Cowan, formerly of the Princeton team, is playing on the Princeton Preparatory School eleven.

A new society has been formed at Tufts to further the interests of the engineers in college politics.

Hovey and Mansfield will play their final match in singles at the Longwood Tennis Club today at 2 p. m.

Moffatt, Edwards, Harris, Hodge, Cowan, Bovaird and George are coaching the Princeton eleven this fall.

H. O. Stickney, who played right tackler on the 'varsity last year, will play on the B. A. A. team this season.

At a meeting of the trustees of Columbia University, President Low reported that recent gifts had been received by the college amounting to $36,950.
