

THOSE wishing to join the Shooting club may do so by calling at 47 Beck between 12 and 1 Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

C. B. PUKE, Treasurer.HARVARD ROWING CLUB.- Old members who have not paid this year will please return their locker and house keys to the janitor or to some member of the governing board. Old memberships expired yesterday. Secretary's hours 9.30, to 10.30 a. m., Tuesdays and Fridays, 21 Hilton Block.

R. C. ROBBINS, Secretary.FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates must be at the gymnasium ready to row at 4 sharp.

F. C. BISHOP.H. U. C. A.- The annual meeting of the Harvard Cycling Association will be held in the trophy room tonight at 7.30.

W. B. GREENLEAF, Pres.THE following men will be at the Gymnasium today at 2 o'clock p. m. for examination: R. B. McDaniel, F. S. Eddy, G. C. Niles, H. B. Rogers, M. Ladd, A. F. Cosby, C. B. Gleason, W. B. Whitney, C. T. Bond and Wildes Vazie. At 3 o'clock: G. A. Gray, S. Borden, Jr., W. E. Gage, W. A. D. Short and C. Morgan will present themselves.


J. D. HUBBELL, Manager.
