
Fact and Rumor.

Harvard will play Bowdoin October 25.

Class races will be held at Yale this fall.

The first number of the Princeton Tiger is out.

There are 150 lockers in the Cary gymnasium.

A large number of men have already dropped English 9.


H. Bates, '90, is teaching a school for the blind in Philadelphia.

Holmes '94 has been elected captain of the Yale freshman crew.

Every man on the Exeter football team is from the middle class.

Thus far the waiting list at Memorial has been diminished thirty-one.

Dean, '91, visited New Haven last Saturday to witness the Yale vs. Lehigh football match.

Several Harvard men have entered for the open meeting of the B. A. A. next Saturday.

Amherst College has received a bequest of $40,000 towards the professorship of Greek and Sculpture.

The locks have been put on the new lockers at the boat club. Men can get their keys from the janitor.

The literary editor of the Advertiser is a graduate of the Harvard Annex and a winner of the Sargent prize.

Casement and Janeway, of Princeton, have entered the Columbia Law School, and an effort will be made to induce them to play on the eleven.
