
Rules Governing the Election of Class-Day Officers From Ninety-One.

1. The meeting shall be held on Tuesday evening, October 14th, at 7 p. m. in Lower Massachusetts.

2. The committee have chosen Mr. J. L. Dodge as chairman and Mr. H. A. Davis clerk of the meeting.

3. Only members of the class, past and present, who are candidates for the degree of A. B., S. B., or C. E. in 1891 shall be allowed to vote and shall be eligible to office.

4. Every office shall be voted separately. All nominations shall be made viva voce, and shall be recorded on the blackboard by the clerk, but votes cast for persons not so nominated shall be counted. Speeches for or against candidates are unconditionally prohibited.

5. All voting shall be secret, check lists being used. The class shall vote in 12 sections, two tellers receiving and counting the votes from each section. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed. Whenever a candidate receives a majority of votes cast on a formal ballot, he shall be declared elected.


6. The first ballot for each office shall be informal. After the first formal ballot all but the four candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be dropped, and the candidates receiving the smallest number of votes at each successive ballot shall be dropped after that ballot.

7. The class officers shall be elected in the following order: Secretary, first marshal, second marshal, third marshall, orator, poet, odist, ivy orator, chorister, class-day committee, class committee, photographic committee.

8. No rule shall be suspended if twenty men object.

The committee have divided the class into the following sections, and have appointed the following men as tellers:

The sections are:

1. Allen to H. R. Bishop, inclusive.

2. J. C. Bishop to T. Chamberlain.

3. W. A. Chamberlain to R. H. Davis.

4. Dean to Frame.

5. Frank to R. S. Hale.
