
Foot Ball.


Harvard played the third game of the season Saturday afternoon on Jarvis Field with Amherst. The eleven vis Field with Amherst. The eleven was weakened by the absence of Cumnock, Upton and Dean, but that does not excuse the wretched exhibition which the team gave. There were times when the play was all that could be desired; but a few minutes later the men would seem bent on showing how badly eleven men can play the game of football. The atrocious fumbling, weak tackling, inability to drop on the ball, and general loose play which characterized the work at these times was,- well, anything but encouraging.

The game began with just such an exhibition. It was an accident, of course, but just one such accident against a team of anywhere near equal strength would probably mean the loss of the game. Harvard had the ball, and the whole team was bunched well forward to force it ahead; Burgess put it in play, and passed it to Lake. The latter dropped the ball, and before he could recover it, Crocker, who had broken through a weak spot in the line somewhere, picked it up, and with a perfectly clean field before him had no difficulty in scoring a touch-down in just a half minute after play began. Cutler kicked the goal. Score, 6-0 for Amherst.

This seemed to arouse the team, and they began to play with some life. Lake gained 25 yards when the ball was put in play. It was rapidly forced down towards Amherst's line until Harvard seemed about to score. Then some loose work stopped the progress and the ball had to be passed to Trafford for a try at a goal from the field. The try was a failure, and the ball went to Amherst. An exchange of punts resulted in a loss of ground for Amherst; with the ball near the line it was passed to Talcott, who fumbled and allowed Newell to drop on the ball, scoring the first touch-down for Harvard. The try for goal was a failure, but Fearing secured the ball and scored another touch-down. Again the try for goal was a failure. Score, 8-6 for Harvard.

The ball was kept near the Amherst's goal, and three minutes later Corbett found a good hole, and scored the third touchdown; no goal. Score, 12-6 for Harvard. Harvard soon got the ball, and Fearing made a good run of 25 yards around the end, and aided by the blocking of Trafford and Burgess, succeeded in getting the ball across the line again; goal. Score 18-6 for Harvard.

Amherst now forced the ball toward Harvard's end of the field. Cutler kicked and the ball bounded out of Trafford's reach. Two Amherst men had broken through the line. and were ready to pounce upon Trafford the moment he touched the ball. To have picked it up would have meant a serious loss of ground to Harvard; instead he displayed excellent judgment and allowed the ball to roll across the line before dropping on it. This play enabled Harvard to bring the ball out to the 25-yard line. From there Lake gained 15 yards in two rushes; then Fearing carried it ahead 35 yards; Corbett and Lake made short gains, and finally Corbett made a pretty run around the end getting the ball to within a few feet of Amherst's line. When tackled he endeavored to pass the ball and lost it to Amherst. Talcott took it for a rush from behind the line, but Fearing broke through and forced him to make a safety. Score 20-6. The ball was kept within Amherst's 25-yard line, and Corbett secured a touch-down after Fearing had made another considerable gain by a run around the end; goal. 26-0.


Amherst lost ground rapidly after putting the ball at play at the centre of the field owing to the excellent tackling of Hallowell and Blanchard. After a great deal of fumbling by both teams, Heard secured the ball for Harvard at Amherst'5 15-yard line. Lake found two holes and in the two rushes got the ball to within a yard of the line, and Corbett had no difficulty in gaining the other one; goal. Score 32-6. Time was called two minutes later.

The second half began with Amherst in possession of the ball. On the third down Pratt passed the ball poorly, and while Smalley was trying to find it, Fearing picked it up, ran 45 yards and scored; goal. Score 38-6. Good tackling by Heard and Hallowell enabled Harvard to get the ball soon after it had been put in play. It was almost immediately lost for offside play. Blanchard secured it again directly, only to have Fearing fumble it and lose it to Morse. After four unsuccessful attempts to gain ground Amherst resigned the ball to Harvard, and Corbett carried it 45 yards; Lake had but one to gain to secure a touchdown ten minutes after play began; goal. Score 44-6.

Amherst could not gain ground and Cutler tried to kick; Blanchard stopped the ball and Fearing took it ahead for fifteen yards. Trafford followed with a 20-yard gain, and Fearing, with the help of Trafford's blocking covered the remaining twelve yards to Amherst's line; goal. Score 50-6. Good work by Blanchard and Newell in the line, and by Fearing and Lake back of it scored another touch-down in three minutes; no goal. Score 54-6. Crocker was hurt, in a scrimmage at this point, and DeKnight took his place, Amherst lost ground instead of gaining, and endeavored to kick; Blanchard stopped the punt, and Hallowell secured the ball and a touchdown; goal. Score 60-6.

Harvard soon secured the ball, and Lake went through an excellent hole made by Newell for a gain of 25 yards. Corbett followed this a minute later with a 20-yard run, and Newell secured the touch-down without trouble; no goal. Score 64-6. Amherst could do nothing now, and runs by Corbett, Lake and Fearing scored the next touch-down; again the try for a goal was a failure. Score 68-6. Cutler kicked the ball and Corbett returned it. Smith fumbled and Shaw dropped on the ball. Lake pushed his way through the line for ten yards and scored the last touch-down; goal. Final score, Harvard 74; Amherst 6.

The elevens were made up as follows:

Harvard-rushers-Hallowell, Newell, Shaw, Cranston, Heard, Blanchard, Fearing; quarter-back-Burgess; halfbacks-Lake, Corbett; full-back, Trafford.

Amherst-rushers-G. Raley, Allen, Stewart, Lewis, Morse, Crocker (injured), DeKnight, Smith; quarter-back-Smith, Pratt; Half backs-Taclott, Smalley, Raley; full back-Cutler.

Refere-Morse, Harvard L. S.

Umpire-Ewing, Amherst, '89.
