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We call the attention of seniors to a communication in another column on the subjet of wearing caps and gowns on Class Day. The suggestion is well worth consideration by '91. Nothing can be more out of place than the dress suits as now worn, and why such an unbecoming and conventional costume was ever allowed to supplant the picturesque dress of older days it is difficult to see. Caps and gowns would have the advantage of giving a more distinctiye character to Class Day, and would revive associations of early college days, which would be far more enjoyable than the common place notions centering around the dress suit. The only valid objection which can be urged against the scheme is its cost. But investigation shows that the expense need not be above ten dollars perman.

The members of '91 have seen many changes in college customs during their course. They shouid not hesitate to make so good a reform merely because it is contrary to the traditions of recent years.
