

UNION CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the directors at the rooms this day at 1.30 p. m. The details regarding the furnishing of the rooms are to be decided.

GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- A second trial of candidates will be held tonight at No. 10 Holworthy.

'92 ELEVEN.- The following men will present themselves to Dr. Sargent at the gymnasium between 2 and 3 Oct. 13: Neff, Greenough, Henry, Schoen, Stearns, H. F. Berry, L. F. Berry, Watriss, Jones, Draper, Weed, Steedman, Putnam, Cheney, Spalding.

W. C. FORBES.FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates will be at the gymnasium ready to run at 4.15 sharp.

F. C. BISHOP.Meeting and smoker of Harvard Fencing Club this evening, Friday, Oct 10, at 7.30.


C. E. BURGESS, Secretary.
