
The Longwood Tournament.

The first round of the Longwood Tournament was nearly completed yesterday. The weather was fine and the grass courts were in excellent condition.

The opening match was between Hale, '91, and Wrenn, '92. Hale was not in prime condition while Wrenn played at his best. Wrenn beat Hale 6-5, 6-2.

The second match brought together two of Harvard's best players, Chase, '92, and Tallant, '91. The first set was very close, Chase playing a net game and Tallant hitting for the side lines. The result was a victory for Tallant with the score at 6-4. Chase now showed bad form and lost the second and deciding game with no games to his credit.

Hovey, L. S., then beat Ripley 6-1, 6-1. Percy Manchester. '93, then defaulted to Fred Mansfield. Snow, Gr., beat Presbrey, Gr., 6-4, 6-4. G. W. Lee, L. S., next met Geo. Smith and beat him 6-4, 6-3 by playing his old game of getting everything Rufus K. Thomas, '93 beat Bailey in a good match 6-4, 6-3.

This afternoon the doubles will begin: Brown will play Waterhouse, the winner playing Hovey: Mansfield vs. Snow; Lee vs. Thomas.

