
Lawrence Scientific School Scholarships.

Four university scholarships, of the annual value of one hundred and fifty dollars each, have been established in the Scientific School. They are assigned at the beginning of each academic year to meritorious students standing in need of such assistance, who have been in the school the whole of the preceding year, and propose to remain in it the whole of the ensuing year. The award is made by the corporation on the recommendation of the faculty. One-third of the annual value of the scholarships is paid at the time of the award, one-third on January 12, and one-third on April 12, following. Applications for the scholarships must be addressed in writing to the Dean by the first of June.

There are also scholarships in the Scientific School, not exceeding eight at any one time, of the annual value of one hundred and fifty dollars each, for the benefit of graduates of the reputable Normal Schools of the United States. The incumbents are originally appointed for one year on the recommendation of the principals of the schools from which they have been severally graduated; these appointments may be annually renewed on recommendation of the faculty of the Scientific School.
