Tutoring in English A, 1, 2, 8 and 9. Apply to H. BATES, 48 Avon-Hill St, No. Cambridge.
Tutoring in German A; French A, 1; Natural History 2; Chemistry A, 1.
CHAS. L. MIX, '90, 57 College House.77 3t
Political Economy 1. History 2. History 13 Tutoring (with notes taken this year in each course).
J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.78 6t
CHOICE ROOMS TO LET.- A large, unusually pleasant and sunny corner room, four windows, southern and eastern exposure, up one flight, with bed room adjoining. Rent low. Apply at 16 Winthrop street, corner Holyoke
RADFORD JONES AND Co., Tailors, 32 George Street Hanover Square, London. Mr. Wallace Jones, (late of Messrs. Whittaker and Co.). has arrived at Young's hotel, Boston, and will be there until Saturday, January 11th. Special line of summer flannels. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
RICHES.- If you desire them no use fooling away time on things that don't pay; but send $1.00 at once for magnificent outfit of our Great New Stanley Book. If book and terms are not satisfactory we will refund your money. No risk. No capital needed. Both ladies and gentlemen employed. Don't lose time in writing. "Step in while the waters are troubled." Days are worth dollars. Address B. F. Johnson and Co., 1009 Main St. Richmond, Va. 79 3teod.
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