
George W. Sawin.

At a meeting of the Exeter club held Tuesday evening, the following resolutions were adopted:

WHEREAS, In his divine Providence it has pleased God to remove from our midst our kind friend and esteemed instructor, George W. Sawin, feeling that we have lost in him a genial companion and wise counselor,

Resolved, That we, the Exeter club of Harvard university have been deprived of one whose disinterested kindness made him universally loved as a friend, and whose ability made him respected as an instructor; one whose appreciation of the proper relation between student and instructor was deeply felt by all.

That we take great pride in his success as a student both at Exeter and Harvard, and in the even greater merits which he showed when called to a higher position.

That we express our heartfelt sorrow at his untimely death, and extend our sincere sympathy to his bereaved family.


That a copy of these resolutions be sent to his mother as a token of our regard.

W. C. DOWNES,W. N. DUANE,F. S. DUNCAN, for the Exeter club.
