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Dr. Daniei Ayres of Brooklyn, whose liberal gift of $250,000 to Wesleyan college has been announced is a graduate of Princeton in the class of '42. All his sympathies, however, have been with Wesleyan, where he spent three years in the college before going to Princeton. Wesleyan gave him an honorary degree of LL. D. in 1856. Last year Dr. Ayres founded the chair of biology with a gift of $50,000. The new endowment which the faculty and trustees hope to double from other sources, will be devoted to the elevation of the standard of the college more especially in the scientific department.

The first recitation in N. H. 4 will be held next Wednesday, January 8. Contrary to the usual custom, there will be an examination in this subject at mid-years.

Notwithstanding the present open weather, the freshman crew will continue to train in the gymnasium. The present quota of twenty-five will be continued until late in the spring.

The annual report of the president of Boyn Mawr college shows an increase in the number of students. The whole number of students enrolled during the year was 116, which was 35 more than the enrollment for the years 1887-88.
