In an extended article upon the limits of education, a writer in the January number of the Journal of Education, London, discusses with considerable energy the question of limiting the time given to sport, and reaches a conclusion averse to any such step. He is convinced that the time has not yet come when the "play" infringes at al seriously upon the "work" in English schools, and sees such great advantages in the increased ability to "work" that he would not cut down the "play" to any extent. The question has been so much agitated at Harvard that the opinion of a foreign authority will at tract some attention on these shores.- Week's Sport.
Dr. W. R. Martin, son of the Rev. Dr. Martin now at the head of the Imperial college, Pekin, China, has been appointed assistant professor of modern languages at Trinity college. Professor Martin is a Princeton graduate, a Ph. D. of Tubingen, Germany.
The Y. M. C. A. of Heidelbergh University is supporting a Japanese student at Sendal, Japan, who is preparing for the gospel ministry.
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