The work on the new athletic building on Holmes Field has progressed very rapidly during the past three weeks. The ball cage is ready for occupancy and by the end of the week the work on the rowing tank will have been completed. The boat has been placed in its position in the center of the tank and the oars are being fitted in their positions. Over the ball cage half of the roof is of glass and the glaziers are at present fitting the last panes. Much of the rubbish which partly fills the cage will be removed within a day or two, and by the middle of next week the crew and the nine will commence training in their new quarters in the Carey building.
The building as a whole is not, however, finished. The slaters and copper smiths have just completed their work, and the steam fitters are now engaged in setting up the large boiler and steam radiator with which the building is to be heated. The entire structure has been lathed and will be plastered during the coming three weeks. Although it was thought a month ago that the work would be finished by the first of March, it is more probable that it will be the last of the month before the building is fully completed.
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