
Greek Moods and Tenses.

The new and revised edition of "Greek Moods and Tenses" on which Professor Goodwin has been at work for some time, has at last appeared. It is a large volume of four hundred and sixty four pages. Many important changes have been made in consequence of the enormous strides in the study of comparative philology since the publication of the first edition in 1860. Professor Goodwin has in many cases ventured to give his own theories a feature which he hitherto rigidly excluded. It is gratifying to note also the important part played by Harvard instructors other than Professor Goodwin himself, in the preparation of the work; obligation is acknowledged to Professors Allen, Greenough, Lane, Lanman, White, Wright, and Dr. Morgan.

The appearance of the volume is much improved by the use of clearer type, and furthermore, each paragraph has now a distinct number, in place of the previous confusing subdivisions by numbers and letters. At the end important appendices are inserted, on the "Origin of the Construction "Ou Me,'" in the use of "Final Particles" etc. A valuable index is also given of all the quotations in the book. The preface is Dated Pallanzo, Lago Maggiore, September 1889.
