
Special Notices.

A club table can be accommodated with board and large front dinning-room at 5 Linden street.

CLUB TABLE.- A large, well lighted front room for a club of from eight to fourteen. Also seats at a general table. Terms $7 per week. 6 Story St. 75-1t

Tutoring in Freshman courses and in Latin and Greek; History 2, Math. A. D., German A, 1a, 1b, French A, 1, Latin A, B, C, D, F, 2, Greek A, B, C, 2.

D. T. CLARK, '92, 64 College House.75-2t

TO LET.- A furnished room, three minutes walk from Memorial; southern exposure; bay window; very reduced rates; apply to W. R. Ellis, 910 main street, Quincy square. 74-2t


Pach Bros., photographer for Harvard have on exhibition some elegant large photographs just the thing for Christmas They are also getting up a new size which will be called the Harvard Panel a good sized head mounted on 11x14 card for framing or on a gilt beveled edged card 7x10. We propose making this size for $3.00, reguiar price $6.00. This is for Xmas and only to Harvard men. PACH BROS.

H. W. TUPPER, Manager and Photographer.SHERIFF'S SALE.- Taken on execution, and will be sold by Public Auction, on Wednesday, the 8th day of January, 1890, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the carriage warerooms of Francis L. Chapman, rear of No. 10 Brattle St., near Harvard Sq., in said Cambridge, the following described personal property, to wit: 1 cherry table, cloth top, 1 arm chair, 1 half arm chair, 2 cherry book cases, 1 oak chair, 1 window seat cushion, 1 oak bedstead, 1 bureau, 1 commode, 1 spring bed, 1 hair mattrass, 1 feather pillow, 1 bolster, 1 lounge, 1 sofa pillow, 1 cherry cabinet desk. Being the same property attached by me on the original writ May 25 1889. The above is all first-class.

GEO. W. W. SAVILLE, Deputy Sheriff.
