A short time ago some discussion was given to the subject of tug-of-war seams, and after deliberation it was decided that, while Harvard should do all in her power to discountenance the tug-of-war as a feature of intercollegiate games in the future, it would be best for her this year to send a team to Mott Haven. Now that this conclusion has been reached it behooves as to do everything in our power to send a winning four to the games. Particularly is this desirable in view of Harvard's coming withdrawal from the Association. We must win at Mott Haven, and that this may be assured every stone must be turned. Our withdrawal is determined upon, but to retire from the field victorious will be more graceful than to retire defeated. Tug-of-war, then, must be maintained this year as earnestly as ever here before. But how? Class seams are in order. The winter meetings are shortly at hand and nothing has as yet been done in the organization of class fours. It is somewhat characteristic of all Harvard organizations to delay. We cannot, however, afford to do so now.
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Communications.Recommended Articles
No HeadlineThe captain of the Mott Haven team has given a call in another column for candidates for the tug-of-war team.
Notice.All members of the Mott Haven Team, and all men who entertain any idea of entering the spring sports are
Notice.All candidates for the Mott Haven team who intend to charge extra board to the H. A. A., are requested
H. A. A.All men who intend to try for the Mott Haven team are requested to be at the meeting room in
Notices.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal to night in Boylston at 7 o'clock, sharp. All wishing to try for the Mott