
Mass Meeting at Yale.

Committee Appointed to Confer with Harvard.

NEW HAVEN. CONN., JAN. 28.- Considerable interest was shown among the Yale students over the mass meeting held in response to the following call:

UNIVERSITY MEETING.- There will be a meeting of the university at Alumni hall, Tuesday, at 7 p. m., when the committee recently appointed to confer with Harvard on foot ball will ask that power be given them to confer on general athletics.

Over five hundred men met at Alumni hall and were called to order by Jackson, '90. A motion was offered that the powers of the committee who were to confer with Harvard in football matters should be enlarged to include base ball, boating, and all other branches of college athletics. The sentiment of the meeting was favorable to the motion, which was passed after a short discussion. The meeting then adjourned. The committee, which was recently appointed by President Yeomans of the Yale Foot Ball association, is constituted as follows:

Walter C. Camp, '80, George Adee, '65, Captain Rhodes, '91, of the eleven, Captain Calhoun, '90, of the nine, Captain Allen, '90 S., of the crew, Captain F. W. Robinson, '90, of the track team, C. H. Hamill, '90, J. D. Jackson, '90, H. McBride, '90, J. Townsend, '91, T. L. McClung, '92, D. Rogers, '93.
