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No better appointments could have been made on the Athletic Advisory committee than those announced a day or two ago. Mr. Winslow, '85, is remembered here at college as no other graduate has been perhaps for years. His success in leading the Harvard nine to victory throughout the whole intercollegiate series of '85 has won him an enviable name among Harvard graduates. Professor J. W. White, too, and Mr. Thayer, '79, are men who have the best interests of Harvard athletics at heart. Both men are old members of the nine. Mr. Thayer captained the team in '79, and has since been actively interested in our athletics. Professor White has won the sincere respect of Harvard for his able defence of Harvard athletics this past season. Professor J. B. Ames of the Law school is the chairman of the football committee. He is also an active member of the general Athletic committee. The only other appointment on the football committee thus far is Mr. P. D. Trafford, '89. Mr. Trafford's record is too fresh in all our minds to need any comment. The hope is that the other member of the committee will be chosen with equal wisdom.

The Princeton tug-of-war team will probably be composed of the following men: Black (anchor), Channing, Church and Bradford.
