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The engagement of R. S. Gorham, '85, to Miss Alvine Thomas of Boston is announced.

The last number of the Week's Sport discusses the action of Harvard in withdrawing from all intercollegiate leagues.

A movement has been started to form a league of the cricket clubs within a radius of twenty miles of New York city.

At the New England college conference of the Y. M. C. A., now in session at Middleton, Conn., D. C. Torrey, '90, will preside at the parlor conference of association officers.

James Robinson, who has so long been trainer in athletics at Princeton, has been engaged to serve as trainer for the Cape May athletic association next summer.


In an article in the last Nation on "Ibsen and his Translators," Mr. G. R. Carpenter's translation of "The Lady from the Sea," which appeared in the November and December numbers of the Monthly, is noticed.

The two footballs which Princeton used in the games with Harvard and Yale last autumn are being handsomely ornamented by the Princeton Foot ball association and will be kept as trophies. The ball used in the Yale game will be painted blue, with "1889. Yale, 100" inscribed upon it. The one used in the Harvard game will be painted crimson with this inscription upon it: "1889. Harvard, 41-15."
