
Fact and Rumor.

The Phormio of Terence will be read in Latin C, after the examination period.

Professor C. J. White will be in U. E. R. at 3 p. m. to answer questions relative to Math. A.

Writers of ten minute exercises in English VIII. will find their productions in Sever 5.

The first game played by the Yale nine this spring will be against the Athletics, in Philadelphia, April 2.

W. C. Rhodes, '91, captain of the Yale eleven, has recovered from his recent illness and returned to college.


Cash, who played right tackle on the Princeton eleven this fall, and whose standing in college as a regular student was questioned, has left Princeton.

The Boston Art club has sent complimentary tickets for the annual exhibition to the members of the Glee club.

On Wednesday, January 29, Professor White may be consulted from eleven till one o'clock in regard to any part of the work in Greek 10.

The book to be read after the examinations in German A, will be announced some time next week on the bulletin board in University.

In French I after the mid-years a dictation exercise will be given by the instructor once a week and Roulier,s Composition Book will be used on Mondays only.

The Y. M. C. A. library has recently received a gift of several books from a gentleman in Boston. Among the books are several of the latest works on theological questions.

The twenty-sixth annual dinner of the Dartmouth college association of New York city was held at Delmonico's last evening. A large number of alumni was present including the principal professors of the college, and many eminent graduates.

A new scholarship to be known as the Scott-Hurrt scholarship has been founded at Yale. It is the income of $5,000, and will be conferred upon two students, one junior and one senior, for intelligent industry and approved scholarship without any specific competitive examination.

Hotchkiss, '91, has been elected captain of the Williams football eleven for next year. He played centre rush on the Andover eleven in '87, and since he has been at Williams has played right guard. He is a cool headed man and always plays a careful, steady game.

The date on which the theses in Greek 10 are due, has been changed from February 1 to February 14. Professor White has received notice from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, that owing to alterations now being made there, the members of Greek 10 will be deprived of the use of the Museum in connection with their work for the theses.
