One of the best conducted departments in the university is the library and except in the matter of lighting, we have generally little complaint to make about its management. There has been one frequent ground of complaint recently, however, which might easily be remedied, namely, the wretched heating and ventilation. During the unusually mid weather of the past few weeks the steam heating apparatus has kept the temperature many degrees too warm, and, combined with the lack of fresh air has made the place exceedingly uncomfortable. To a person coming in from the open air the stuffy atmosphere is almost unbearable. The bad air undoubtedly dulls the senses, produces drowsiness and renders it very difficult to fasten the attention.
This is a very important matter both as regards comfort and health, especially during the mid-year period when most men find it absolutely necessary to spend many hours a week in the reading room and wish to use their energies in study, instead of squandering them in the effort, frequently vain, to keep awake. The building is an old one we know, and is not supplied with modern appliances yet it seems as though a little more care of the heating apparatus and a little more liberal admission of out door air might easily be secured.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.