
Fact and Rumor.

V. M. Harding has left college.

After the mid years, "Hoffmann's Historische Erzahlungen will be read in German 1a.

Those men in N. H. 4 who neglected to hand in blue books may bring them to Mr. Cobb, 17 College House.

Blue books for the examination in N. H. 1, may be left at Lawrence Hall any time before February 1.

Mr. Markley will be in Harvard 5 on Wednesday, February 5th, from 2 to 3 o'clock to answer questions about the examination in Mathematics D.


The book to be read in German 1b after the mid-years will be announced some time during the examination period on the bulletin board in University.

The divisions for the English A examination to day are as follows- Abbott to Cushing, Sever 37; Dallinger to Jure, Sever 35; Kahar to Rounceville, U. E. R.; Sanders to Sturgis, U. 2; Tansill to Vogel, U. 4; Waite to Young U. 6.

Professor B. L. Cilley of Phillips Exeter academy, who has been abroad for the past five months, sailed for home last Friday. A representative from each class will meet him in Boston and escort him home, where arrangements are making for a grand reception.

Princeton, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania will send each about a dozen men to the coming Boston Athletic Association meeting.

Professor Bartlett recommends those men in German 1a, who wish to prepare for the sight translation in the examination to read one of the easy German novels which may be obtained in the library.

The annual Y. M. C. A. convention of the New England colleges will begin at Middletown, Conn., tomorrow and last through Sunday. Torrey, '90, Van Renssalaer, '92, and Malone, '93, will represent the Harvard Y. M. C. A.

The Harvard Athletic committee has received from the Princeton Athletic committee a brief letter to the effect that the Princeton Graduate Advisory committee is investigating the matters contained in the recent statement made by Harvard.

At the semi-annual election of officers of the Y. M. C. A. last evening the following officers were chosen for the ensuing half year: president, L. H. Roots, '91: recording secretary, J. G. Nichols, '91; treasurer, W. C. Douglas, '93; librarian, L. K. Morse, '92.

Among the new books lately added to the library are, "Three Dramas of Euripides," by William C. Lawton, "The Story of the Book of Mormon," by E. G. Reynolds, "From My Veranda in New Guinea," and Crooker's "Problems in American Society."

The annual dinner of the New York Princeton club was held at New York last evening. Princeton's athletic victories were represented by an eleven foot tiger placed at one end of the room and holding two foot balls in his mouth. The Princeton champion eleven were, with the Princeton Glee club, guests at the dinner, and the foot ball men received trophies which the Princeton club had prepared in acknowledgement of their work last fall. Among the speakers of the evening were President Patton, Channcey M. Depew, Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke, expresident of the Princeton club; the Rev. Dr. Wilton Merle Smith, an expitcher of the Princeton nine: Professor William M. Sloane of the faculty; and Francis O. French of the Harvard club.
